2017 Year End Newsletter

Dear Partners,

Greetings from China in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Last month we have received financial support from our home church in California and some of our close friends both in Hong Kong and the US; more than 60% of our deficit was covered. We were able to back pay our staff salaries for the last two months. On top of that, we finally received the grant money from a USA Foundation and put us right into the black again before the end of last month. Thank you for all your prayer and support. PTL!

Early this year we have started our PAC RIM Leadership Institute in the city of Shenzhen. We have trained two focus groups of young career adults.  One group was mainly non-Christians on career planning and leadership principles. This focus group has about 50 some members. Our purpose is to plant good Christian values into their management thinking as well as pre-evangelism effort.

We will train and recruit the second focus group who are mainly Christian business people. We will be traveling to other cities such as Guangzhou, Wenzhou and Shanghai to train them.  Although our PAC RIM Leadership Institute is located in Shenzhen, some of our training effort will be itinerary. Christian theology and values will be our main focus in our training.

At the same time we are working on our bi-vocational training project on counselors, business managers and the medical professionals. Next year we will take couple of short term teams to Xinjiang and southeast Asia to explore the possibility of sending workers there.

Also, we will be visiting the United States again this Christmas to celebrate Chuck’s Mom 90th Birthday. Chuck will probably be sharing with some churches and fellowship groups. We will be in LA between Dec 19 - Jan 4. In San Francisco from Jan 5-16, 2018. You may want to send me an email or WhatsApp message if you need to contact us or for speaking engagement.

Best Regards,
Chuck & Queenie Chan
Pacific Rim Foundation, Limited