Champion Habits

“Champions are keenly aware of how their habits impact every area of their lives, because they always look inside themselves and listen for answers. Average people are not focusing or remembering their success-habit formation. Unless sometimes the pain from an unhealthy habit becomes too great. Habits are the raw materials from which the champions are made.” By Steve Siebold


Champion habits are those deep rooted habits that give you positive energy to create innovation, success and wealth. The champions (defined as people who possess and practice good Champion Habits) have a worldview that says happiness is learning, growing and becoming. School is never out for champions.

Steve Siebold, the famous coach and speech trainer suggests that, “The great champions know it is more difficult to develop a champion habit than to lose it. They understand the magnificent force that can work for or against them. As a result, they tend to protect their success habits with an almost religious fervor.

“Champions are keenly aware of know their habits impact every area of their lives, because they always look inside themselves and listen for answers.”